Tuesday, October 15, 2013

7 swimming classes later...

After 7 weeks of taking swimming lessons on a weekly basis, I can finally float in the water facing up.  Awesome!

Monday, September 30, 2013

over a year...updates

It's been over a year since the last blog post.  Things that have happened/happening:
√ Made it thru the 1000mi mark on Nike+
√ For the third year in a row (2011-2013), finished the Peachtree Road Race (10k) in under 60 mins
√ Weekly full body workout on Saturdays at LA Fitness
√ Running 15-20 miles a week - training for upcoming events (10mi & 1/2 marathon)
√ Started taking swimming lessons (since September 3rd)

Coming up...
√ 10mi Race on October 27th (Sunday)
√ Half Marathon on November 28th (Thursday) - The infamous Thanksgiving Day Race