Monday, April 9, 2012

almost there

I had a great workout this evening. It was a bit tough today and almost didn't make the run but with a little push, I made it. Now, I'm 25 miles to blue. Awesome.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

28 miles to blue

A wonderful day of Easter and a great morning workout. I feel awesome every time.

Baking chicken and making vegetable beef soup. Can't wait :-)

Friday, April 6, 2012

still green but almost blue

I had a great workout again last night. This time I ran first and did the one hour bodyworks + abs afterwards. Dripping in sweat can be uncomfy but feels great nevertheless.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

35 miles to blue

Only 35 miles left to advance to blue level on my nike+. Great workout today. I'm loving my workout routine more and more every day. One hour of body works + abs and 35 mins on the treadmill.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

today's efitness

I officially start my efitness lifestyle today by blogging about my current Nike+ running status and today's workout routine.

My Nike+ level is Green. I'm 38.5 miles to Blue. I'm about to start training for the July 4th 10k Peachtree race.

This morning workout:
9:45 AM - One hour Body Works Plus Abs at LA Fitness: main focus was upper body
10:45 AM - 34 min run on the treadmill (3.5 miles)

A healthy meal is a major part of a fit lifestyle. I bought a counter mini oven to cook baked food. Tonight's dinner will be baked skinless and boneless chicken tights with a side of arugula and avocado salad.

efitness lifestyle

Fitness is not just going to the gym. Fitness is a way of life. I'm starting a blog to keep up with a lifestyle that I'm adopting as I discover its many benefits including physical and mental health. efitness is my lifestyle. What's yours?